
Te Rōpū Whakamana Tāngata

Peer Support

Our Vision
Through mana enhancing relationships, people are empowered to rise up to challenges and be the best versions of themselves, whatever that may be..

Whakamana Tangata Empower People to Live Great Lives.

 Our Mission

Whakamana Tangata is a part of the new solution moving forward, specialising in the art of empathetic listening and whitiwhiti korero (sharing) from a background of lived experience

Connecting people to recovery possibilities and potential

Our Values

Tika Pono Aroha....They way we be!


We believe that having a sense of belonging and connection is fundamental to wellbeing.


We support, care and show generosity and respect to others in all that we do.


Empowering each other to be the best we can possibly be. Being inclusive and respectful.


We believe that Tumanako is fundamental to wellbeing, and that living our best life is possible.

Our Goals


Strengthening Connectedness

Increased availability and effectiveness of  Whakamana  peer  support  throughout the Kaipara/Te tai Tokerau.

Quality engagement with tangata, whānau, hāpū, iwi, hāpori (communities), sector groups, and other stakeholders

As a result of experiencing whakamana peer support, whānau  recovery and wellbeing are enhanced

Kia Toitū

Sustaining Growth

Whakamana  peer expertise is recognised as an integral part of the solution.

Whakamana Peer support  becomes  a service  option  that is widely known, promoted and freely available in the Kaipara /Te Tai Tokerau to all tangata  whai ora and/or whānau who  feel it  is  right  for  them.

Mana Whakatipu

Transforming Peer Leadership

Transformative peer leadership and support is valued by stakeholders.

Mentoring and training developed for Whakamana pou (leaders).

Peer leaders and influencers support and develop the next generation of leaders and influencers.

Our Kaupapa

Whakamana Tangata aims to provide safe spaces and support earlier and closer to home, where people in distress feel free to discuss what they are experiencing. The peer support relationship is underpinned by principles of tika, pono, aroha and manaaki which supports Hau Ora.

Pae ora

Self-determination, choices and mutual support to achieve valued outcomes equips  people  with  the  knowledge  and  hope  that  they  can  and  do  have  pae ora (healthy futures).

Flexible Pathways

The  future  of  a  successful   approach  to Mental health and wellbeing lies in developing  flexible  pathways  that  enable  access  to services from anywhere. One of those pathways is for people to get whakamana peer support.


Every  year, one  in  five  of  us  will  experience  a  mental  health  or distress problem (HDC, 2018). The  experience  will  be  different  for  each  of  us, as  will  the  type  of  support  we need.

  • How we do it

    Model, promote and develop  whakamana  peer leadership. Educate, Challenge, Advocate and Transition

  • Mentor

    Bring about and challenge positive change in behaviours

  • Advocate

    Be innovators and champions for socially just and inclusive communities. Challenging oppressive, discriminatory systems and educating for the advancement of those with obstacles to mental wellness.

  • Transition

    Bring about transformational change

  • Educate

    seek out, promote and initiate  innovative  ideas  and  solutions, and  build  capacity

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