Our Impact

Scale of Impact to date


People helped


Community engagement


Increasing skills


Drug-use reduction

Testimonial Stories

We measure our success in actual lives changed. These stories are a testament to the difference that we can make when we come together to create lasting change.

Helena McGee Before and After Photos

Helena was stuck in a cycle of methamphetamine addiction for 20+ years.  Spent every year in jail for 2o years.

Helena went to to many treatment facilities around NZ and did well in that therapeutic community, but when she went home, it was not long before she was back using drugs again. Why?

It was more about the environment for her. Learning to live clean. Making new friends, having a peaceful mind. Smiling and being happy. Those things were all scary, especially  when youve been in the game for years. Its like grieving for someone so close to you who has gone.

The last time Helena was released from prison, she started a peer support group in Moerewa and this grew quickly. Helena is nearly 5 years clean today, 2 months away from graduating bachelor of social work. She coordinates Whakamana Tangata peer support drop in centre in Dargaville and also works for Whatu Ora as a peer support worker.

Isolation breeds addiction.

"Its about social inclusion and connecting with others on the same journey"


John Te Rore Before & After photos

John was a peer support worker at Whakamana Tangata 2021. He was an alcoholic for many years and addicted to methamphetamine.

John is now clean and sober and is in fulltime employment. He is smashing goals and reaching his full potential.

John does ta moko tatooing and  whakairo carving in his spare time.

Te Roroa

Simone Waipouri-Pihema

From a young age Simone was addicted to methamphetamine and alcohol.

Simone first engaged with Whakamana Tangata in 2021 and has been smashing goals since.

Simone now has stable accomodation, happy family with a newborn child, clean and sober and an NZQA qualification in Health and Wellbeing.

"Whakamana Tangata helped me through my darkest time in my life, the staff are so helpful and welcoming, i love the monday night support group it really helped me and they are non-judgemrntal. Would recommend to anyone who needs help or is just lonely and needs a friendly ear to listen.. Nga mihi"

Te Roroa

Jesse Mansell Before & after photos

Jesse is setting goals and on the right path to reaching his full potential.

Jesse is our kai korero and sits on the pae pae representing our kaupapa,.

Jesse is now carcing 21st keys etc . Carvings made to order.

Te Roroa

Rebecca Walters Before & After

“IWhakamana Tangata have helped me a lot in my early recovery. They helped me to get my kids back in my care and just have a purpose in life. If im ever in need of support, they are there 24 hours and not one hr a week."


Ruthie Rikona Before & After

Ruth has sprent a lot of her life in addiction. In and out of womens prison and lost day to day care of tamariki.

Ruth and her partner are doing recovery together and are clean and sober today.

Ruth has her children back in her care and her life now revolves around her tamariki. Giving them the best life they deserve.

Ruth is also a peer support worker in Whangarei and is now studying Health and Wellbeing.

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